Sunday, May 04, 2008

Cool Torah and Science Movie

I found this movie on YouTube. It is a computer animated movie that deals with Torah and Science issues in an entertaining way (I think meant for children). It is made by Nathan Aviezer, author of "In the Beginning: Biblical Creation and Science", and "Fossils & Faith: Understanding Torah and Science" (both available at Amazon). "In the Beginning" is highly recommended by me, as it goes step by step through the Creation narrative and gives a possible scientific explanation of the events that are going on each "day". (He is of the opinion that each "day" was a "phase" of variable length). Anyways, that book is now an entertaining movie, where RamBam, Einstein, and Darwin fly through time in a space ship, so here it is (in 5 parts):

PART 1 of 5:

PART 2 of 5:

PART 3 of 5:

PART 4 of 5:

PART 5 of 5:

They can be found in Hebrew as well at: faithship's Videos